The college name is taken from John 7:38, “He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”


RSM uses a web-based college management software called Populi which provides a real-time interaction with courses, instructors, grades, transcripts, admissions, billing, and other students. During registration the student will be made an active user and all communications and school interaction will happen from Populi. It is important that each student has an active email and access to a computer to have a successful term here at RSM. Populi will be referenced several times in this handbook and refers to this college management system.


RSM is an equal opportunity Christian educational institution. Qualified applicants are admitted without regard to race, color, national and ethnic origin, handicap status, veteran status, to all rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available at the school. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national and ethnic origin in administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, and other school-administered programs.


The faculty of the River School of Ministry is educators of the highest quality who believe in excellence in education. Faculty members display a clear love and compassion for RSM students while maintaining the level of leadership that is required.

All faculty members believe in the plan and purpose of this institution and make a commitment to vigorously strive to ensure that the highest level of excellence is achieved. Listed below is the dedicated faculty of RSM programs.


Dr. Corey Erman | Doctor in Mininstry | Senior Pastor River Church WPB


Mrs Seta Gebenlian


Ms Irene Diaz | Administrative Assistant

Mr Javier Petazzi | Technical Support

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River School of Ministry (RSM) is an accredited institute of higher learning and affiliated as an Associate Member with the Transworld Accrediting Commission International.

Transworld Accrediting Commission Intl.

231 E. Alessandro Blvd., Suite A-210 Riverside, CA 92508
(951) 901-5586

RSM is recognized by the Florida State Legislature as an incorporated entity of higher learning with the authority to offer undergraduate degrees. RSM is registered with the Florida Department of Education Commission for Independent Education as a religious institution that has met the requirements of state law and is not subject to governmental oversight in compliance with Florida Statute 1005.06 (1)(f) as a Religious Educational Institution Exempt from the Commission’s Jurisdiction.

Accreditation is a review process by an external agency to ensure that an institution of higher learning meets standards set by organizations representing the academic community, professionals, and other stakeholders. To maintain accreditation the institution or program must undergo a similar review on a regular basis. An outline of the standards used to evaluate RSM may be found here:

It is important to note that neither the State of Florida nor the US Federal Government accredits ANY institution of higher learning. ALL accrediting agencies are PRIVATE organizations.

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RSM was established to equip men and women to be victorious in every area of life. It is our desire to produce men and women of God who are knowledgeable in the Word of God, strong in faith principles, compassionate to the needs of others, and as bold as a lion! With this goal in mind, RSM offers a distinct program of study.

RSM is designed for those who would like to pursue an in-depth study of the Bible and experience the glory of God. This program is not just for the full-time minister, but for both new converts and individuals who want to know how to apply the Bible to their daily lives.


A Certificate of Theology is awarded to students who have successfully completed 15 courses and attained 30 academic credit hours.


An Associate of Theology is awarded to students who have successfully completed 30 courses and attained 60 academic credit hours.

Students who complete Associate of Theology will demonstrate their commitment to train for ministry, pursue an intense study of the Bible, enhance their present skills, gain a deeper understanding of the things of God, learn how to better relate to people, and obtain invaluable instruction on Faith, the Holy Spirit, Bible Prophecy and other theological areas.


A Bachelor of Theology is awarded to students who have successfully completed 40 courses and earned ministry work credit and attained 120 academic credit hours.

Students who complete Bachelor of Theology will demonstrate their commitment to train for and serve in ministry leadership roles as they continue with advanced academic courses and work under supervised ministry roles as volunteers.


Courses are offered January through November each school year. School is not in session in December.


  • ANGELS AND DEMONS: This course presents a thorough understanding of the different types of angels and their workings, the mode of operation of Satan and his demons and the Church’s place in the spiritual realm.

  • AUTHORITY OF THE BELIEVER: The purpose of this course is to provide scriptural understanding of authority, the identity of the believer in Christ and how to exercise authority in the New Testament period.

  • BIBLICAL FINANCES: The purpose of this course is to understand principles of Biblical stewardship and prosperity, differences between God’s economy and Mammon’s economy and learn how to manage money and resources.

  • BLOOD COVENANT: This course will involve biblical study into the covenants, their creation and duration, with particular emphasis on the Blood Covenant and its implications for the believer. This course will also examine both of the old and new covenant, their similarities and their application for today.

  • BOOK OF ACTS: This course is a study of early church history, the establishment of the early New Testament church and the work of the Holy Spirit throughout early evangelistic missions.

  • CALL OF GOD: This is a study to understand the principles of how God has called each believer for a specific purpose and how to prepare for and fulfill the call.
  • CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE: What are the outward and inward evidences of a Christian lifestyle? When we truly practice a Christian lifestyle, the inward evidence becomes obvious. God’s glory and power pours out upon all those around us. Those who live the Christian lifestyle live a pure and confident life on the inside and outside. In the epistles we find what is expected of us inwardly and outwardly.

  • CHURCH HISTORY: This course will survey the history of Christianity since the beginning of the church. Emphasis will be given to the charismatic/Pentecostal movements that have arisen since the book of Acts, and that have continued throughout history to the present day. This course will also provide an understanding of the continuous move of the Spirit in the life of the church, culminating in the present move of revival in the world today.

  • DEMONS AND DELIVERANCE: Students will learn about the types and diversities of the operations of demon spirits, understand how to differentiate between the flesh and demonic activities, learn the difference between oppression, obsession and possession, and understand how to operate by the word and the anointing in the ministry of healing, deliverance casting out demons and bringing freedom to the captives.

  • DIVINE HEALING: Purpose of this course is to provide scriptural proof that it is God's will to heal you, to make the promise of healing a reality in your life and to teach you how to effectively minister healing to others.

  • ESCHATOLOGY: Eschatology is the branch of theology that deals with the final consummation of all things. We will be covering such subject matter as the rapture, the tribulation, judgment, and the life to come.

  • ESSENTIAL DOCTRINES: The purpose of this course is to explore and survey non-negotiable foundational doctrines of the New Testament Church.

  • EVANGELISM: This course on introduction Christ to others in the work place, on foreign fields, and local neighborhoods. Each student will experience the joy of leading others to Christ and then follow up with them to make them disciples.

  • FAITH: This course is a foundational study of faith. It’s designed to obtain and incorporate a practical working faith in your daily life.

  • FRUIT OF THE SPIRIT: This course is designed to assist the student in recognizing and developing the fruit that the Holy Spirit wants to produce in the life of a believer according to the book of Galatians.

  • GIFTS OF THE SPIRIT: This is a study course of The Gifts of the Spirit according to 1 Corinthians 12. Students will learn the biblical foundation for the purpose, the source, and the operation of the gifts in the believer’s life.

  • HEALING & MIRACLE MINISTRY OF JESUS: This course will be an in-depth study of the healing and miracle ministry of Jesus and how it applies to the life of the believer today and the ministry of the Church.

  • HOLY SPIRIT: A course on the Person and the work of the Holy Spirit. Emphasis is made on foundational truths that will radically change the students’ way of thinking. Students will discover what it is like to know the person of the Holy Spirit in a great way – to really know Him as best friend.

  • HOW TO HEAR THE VOICE OF GOD: The purpose of this course is to understand how to be led by the Holy Spirit, hear the voice of God, discern the different voices that can speak to you and understand the gifts of the Spirit operating in the life of the believer.

  • LIFE AND TEACHINGS OF CHRIST: The purpose of this course is to study the life of Christ form birth to his ascension as well as all the teachings and the parables of Christ.

  • LOCAL CHURCH GOVERNMENT: This course is designed to assist the student in understanding the Biblical structure of the local church, pastoral ministry and how the various gifts and offices function within the local church.

  • MARRIAGE AND FAMILY: This course is a study of understanding Biblical marriage and God’s design for the family.

  • MATTERS OF THE HEART: In this course, we will conduct a study on the heart of the believer and its importance in the Christian walk. The course will show how to develop one's heart and what it means to keep one's heart with all diligence.

  • MINISTERIAL ETHICS: This course addresses ethical and moral issues in ministry. It also highlights the responsibilities of ministers as it affects the church and community.

  • MINISTERIAL LEADERSHIP: This course will develop a biblical foundation for leadership. Students will discover principles that will help them to develop one’s heart and what is means to keep one’s heart with all diligence.

  • MINISTRY GIFTS: The purpose of this course is to learn about the five-fold ministry offices, layman’s ministry gifts and how God calls and equips for ministry.

  • NEW CREATION REALITIES: To investigate the hidden man of the heart, which is the spirit man, according to the great plan of redemption. Our purpose is to scripturally unveil who we are in Christ through the new birth; what He says we are and what He had made us to be in the great redemptive work largely found in the epistles.

  • NEW TESTAMENT SURVEY: The student will obtain a general knowledge of the theme and contents of each New Testament book and gain an understanding of the meaning and significance of the historical events and messages of the Old Testament.

  • OLD TESTAMENT MAN OF FAITH: In this class you will gain insight into the lives of many of the Old Testament saints and become aware that they utilized faith and its principles in a living and dynamic way.

  • OLD TESTAMENT SURVEY: The student will obtain a general knowledge of the theme and contents of each Old Testament book and gain an understanding of the meaning and significance of the historical events and messages of the Old Testament.

  • PRAYER: The purpose of this course is to teach principles of Biblical prayer, impart a life style of fervent prayer and have the kind of prayer life that leads to fruitful, faithful and victorious living.

  • REVIVAL: This course explains that real revival is not just a touch but a change – it is coming back to your first love, Jesus. Every student needs a touch from the Master’s hand, a touch that will impact and mark their entire life. When the student is touched, revived and changed by the Holy Spirit, not only will they know it but the world will hear it in their words and see it in their actions and attitude. You are guaranteed that when you are done with this course you will never be the same.

  • SPIRITUAL GROWTH: Maturing spiritually is a process. All of us begin as spiritual babes in Christ when we are born again. Just as we grow through the physical stages of babyhood, childhood and manhood, God intends for us to grow in Christian maturity.

  • SUBMISSION & AUTHORITY: This course is a study of understanding Biblical concepts of submission to authority and how to lead in authority in a Biblical way.

  • THE ANOINTING: The purpose of this course is to understand what the Anointing is, how the anointing functions and how and why God anoints people for different ministry offices, functions and services.

  • THE GOSPELS: This course examines the four canonical Gospels to see what each of these four portraits of Jesus tells us. Students will explore the literary and theological relationships between the Gospels, and the major themes each one presents.

  • THE LOVE WALK: In this course, you will be encouraged, exhorted and provoked to press into God while making a decision and a commitment to walk in love and victory in every area of your life and really get to know the Father.

  • THE NAME OF JESUS: This course is a study of the meaning of the name of Jesus as well as the power, authority and blessings that rest in the revelation of His name.

  • THE PRISON EPISTLES: This course is a study of all the epistles written by the Apostle Paul during his time in prison.

  • WORSHIP AS A LIFESTYLE: This course will give the student a thorough understanding of the foundation, purpose and practice of worship in the believer’s life. Emphasis will be placed on worship as a lifestyle for the believer, discovering how man’s entire existence is tied to living in and depending upon God’s presence.

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