Once a student has enrolled in the River School of Ministry, he/she will be classified as one of the following:

    This is a student who has been admitted into the college and is actively enrolled in the school and is attending classes and pursing to continue their education.
    This is a student who has been enrolled at one time, but has not attended classes for at least 3 courses in a row, or has withdrawn. Inactive students much reapply for admission back to RSM.



One of the most important aspects of our school is the student. The development of the college, the implementation of the programs, and the selection of the curriculum are all developed to produce a student who is confident in the things of God. Students of RSM are encouraged and fully expected to:

  • Develop and nurture a continued spiritual relationship with God through daily Bible study, continual prayer, and fasting.

  • Cultivate submissiveness to God and a willingness to be obedient to the Holy Spirit.

  • Acknowledge and act on their authority over spiritual wickedness.

  • Verbally confess the Word of God on a continual basis.

  • Maintain physical well-being by viewing their bodies as temples of God.

  • Abstain from immoral, illicit, abusive, and illegal activities.

  • Understand and interpret the Bible so as to equip them with the knowledge of God and overcome adversity and live a life of victory.

  • Develop mental and spiritual discipline.

  • Practice the "Love Walk" and live peaceable with others.

  • Seek God and desire the things of God.

  • Walk in the power and authority of Jesus.

  • Cultivate the gift of God, which is in them and to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit.


RSM is a Christian school, which offers a lifestyle of personal commitment to Jesus Christ as an essential component to evangelistic outreach. The student must recognize this about our school and endeavor to exemplify an attitude of excellence and maintain the highest level of respect for the aim and purpose of the school.

The Student Honor Pledge is listed in the Student's Handbook. Each student should read it attentively to ensure that he/she can wholeheartedly adhere to its contents.


RSM works to provide a safe and positive atmosphere conducive to learning. Therefore, the following code of conduct is to be observed at all times:

  1. All students enrolled at our school are representatives of this school and are expected to conduct themselves in a professional manner both on and off campus.

  2. We are a smoke free, drug free, and alcohol-free environment; therefore, all students must abstain from the use of cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol in the building or anywhere on the grounds.

  3. The school opposes open displays of affection with fellow students of the opposite sex while on campus or at any school sponsored event.

  4. Profanity, cheating, stealing, dishonesty, gambling, and destruction of property are not permitted.

  5. Students must refrain from perverse, lewd or obscene conversation and behavior.

  6. Students must refrain from passing on inaccurate information, tale bearing, and backbiting.

  7. Students’ attire is to be conservative: similar to attire worn to work in an office setting.

  8. Students are not allowed to minister to other students by laying hands on them, prophesying or counseling.

  9. All cell phones and electronic devices must be turned off during the class period, unlessused for note taking. Messages can be checked during breaks. Students will be dismissed from their class if a cell phone goes off during the class period. Repeat offenses will result in probation, suspension, or other administrative action.

  10. Acts of hazing and blatant violations of student’s personal being and/or property are expressly forbidden and will result in the immediate dismissal from school. Criminal charges will be filed.

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RSM is broken up into courses. Each course will focus on a subject matter and will be offered monthly for four nights. Each night is 3 classroom sessions. A course will include 12 hours of classroom instruction held on Monday nights. Students MUST attend at least one weekend service at River Church as a part of their training. Attendance will be taken at the weekend services. Students MUST complete all requirements as outlined in the course syllabus. Students are encouraged to attend Tuesday night prayer, Wednesday night Mid-Week Service and Thursday night Bible Studies as well as all special events and REVIVAL services.


Attendance is required during all class times on Monday nights. Chapel and announcements are considered part of class time and are mandatory.


Students are required to attend either Sunday morning and/or the Sunday evening service as well as be involved in various outreaches. Failure to attend these special events will constitute grounds for probation, suspension, or other administrative action.


The Ministry Service Practicum (MSP) is designed to assist students in the process of focusing their educational and spiritual goals while pursuing a degree at RSM. The goal is to allow students to experience various ministry departments to receive a well-rounded education as to how a successful ministry should flow and function. Therefore, all students will be assigned a Ministry of Helps (MOH) department and are required to serve during services as outlined in each course syllabus. Students must fill out a MOH volunteer form and indicate the areas of interest and/or experience in order for the MOH department to be able to schedule them in helps ministry functions towards fulfilling their practicum.


Students are required to attend and participate in one soul winning training and function per course as outlined in each course syllabus. Students must record attendance at all soul winning events through Soulstrack App. Students are also required to attend Outreach/Inreach events.


It is the desire of the RSM to see each student achieve and perform at his/her highest level academically. Our school is committed to providing academic programs and services to assist the student in the learning process. However, the student bears the responsibility for his/her personal academic success. All students must maintain satisfactory progress in order to continue as an active student in any programs of study. The school reserves the right to dismiss or discontinue enrollment of students based on unsatisfactory academic performance or conduct unbecoming of a student.


Academic integrity means honesty and responsibility pertaining to assignments and exams. Assignments and exams are assigned to determine growth and understanding in the student’s learning experience. Grades exist in order to show how fully this goal is attained. Therefore, all work and grades should result from the student’s own study, understanding, work, and effort.


Students must maintain a minimum 2.00 grade point average (GPA) in their courses while actively enrolled. A course receiving a final grade of “F” is considered a failing grade. If a student receives a failing grade, they will not obtain credit for that individual course and must seek a remedial action plan as listed in the Student's Handbook.

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